Janssen Home Watch SWFL

Home Watch Services For Southwest Florida

How Much is Peace of Mind Worth to You?

Insurance Coverage

Janssen Home Watch is a professional grade business that has its business operations fully insured.

An Accredited Company

We are recognized and accredited by the National Home Watch Association. Visit the accreditation page to learn more!

Servicing Areas

Janssen Home Watch covers areas in Naples, Estero, and Bonita Springs. We’re always looking to expand our service to further areas to serve more customers. If you are unsure whether your property falls within our covered areas feel free to contact us. 

What is Home Watch?


It is a visual inspection of a home or property, looking for obvious issues​

Contact Us

Choose from 3 different packages

As Requested

  • As Needed Home Visits
  • Take in Mail/Packages/Newspapers

Basic Snowbird

  • Monthly Pricing-Plan Discount
  • Weekly Home Visits
  • Take in Mail/Packages/Newspapers​
Most Picked

Premium Snowbird

  • Monthly Pricing-Plan Discount
  • Weekly Home Visits
  • Weekly Take in Mail and Newspapers
  • Same Day Package Intake
  • Weekly Car Starts
  • Charge Golf Cart/Scooters/Bikes

How to start with Janssen Home Watch

Set up Appointment

Call, text, or e-mail us to schedule an appointment to inquire about our services and to validate your property address.

Meet in Person

We would like to meet the owner first in person to familiarize ourselves with the property, establish a relationship and select a plan that fits your needs.

Schedule your first Visit

After our initial meeting, we will schedule your first home watch visit based on your next departure and invoice you month-by-month.